
(This is not the Original ManaPlus Client. The original site can be found here)

latest version:
Settings | Defaults

Settings & Defaults

there are settings you shouldn't touch, if you dont know what you are doing!

to get the best graphic settings run the 'ManaPlus (tests)'

Keybildings (qwerty | en_US)
ARROW-KEYS - Basic Movement
A - target monster
Q - target player
S - sit / stand
X - attack (without move)
L-CTRL - target + move + attack + (pick up)
(0-9) - = home
backspace insert
- Shortcuts
W - toggle Quick drop (window)
E - toggle Killstats (window)
R - toggle trade acception
Y - Quick Drop
I - incrase dropcounter
O - Pickup size / range
P - Screenshot
[ - toggle Questlog (window)
\ - incrase crazymove program
V - move to target
N - target NPC
. - change move to target
D - move to home location
T - talk (NPCS)
Z - Pickup
SPACE - select / OK
ESC - toggle Quit (window)
[-] - return to safe video mode
[+] - toggle camera mode
[1] - change follow mode
[2] - enables away mode
[3] - ?
[4] - change imitation mode
[5] - set home location
[6] - ?
[7] - previous chat-tab (active edit : previous chat-line)
[8] - ?
[9] - next chat-tab (active edit: next chat-line)
[0] - ?
[,] - ?
[*] - ?
[/] - ?
TAB - emulate rightclick
END - Attack type
G - Attack weapon type
B - magic attack
M - #itenplz spell
C - Quick Heal (target OR self)
/ - Crazy Moves
PAGE DOWN - scroll chat down
PAGE UP - scroll chat up
RETURN - toggle Chat (edit field)
] - Copy Equipped to outfit
R-ALT - Copy Outfit to Outfit
R-CTRL - Outfit modifier key
L-ALT - Emote modifier key
menu - Item Shortcut Key
H - Hide (all windows)
` - toggle Outfits (window)
J - toggle Spells/Commands (window)
F - change Mapview
F1 - toggle Help (window)
F2 - toggle Status (window)
F3 - toggle Inventory (window)
F4 - toggle Equipment (window)
F5 - toggle Skills (window)
F6 - toggle Minimap (window)
F7 - toggle Chat (window)
F8 - toggle Shortcuts (window)
F9 - toggle Settings (window)
F10 - toggle Debug (window)
F11 - toggle Social (window)
F12 - toggle Emotes (window)

the inGame command /dirs prints you the locations where your logs, screenshots and temp files get saved.

log file location: %APPDATA%\..\Local\Mana\logs\
temp file location: %APPDATA%\..\Local\Mana emp\
screenshot file location: %USERPROFILE%\Pictures\ManaPlus\
updates file location: %APPDATA%\..\Local\Mana\updates\
config file location: %APPDATA%\..\Roaming\mana\mana\

log file location: ~/.local/share/mana/
temp file location: ~/.local/share/mana/temp/
screenshot file location: ~/Pictures/ManaPlus/
updates file location: /.local/share/mana/updates/
config file location: ~/.config/mana/mana/

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3.